Press Releases
June 2, 2021
Powerful letter by women survivors.
SIS believes women. "Nothing about us without us."

July 8, 2020
Guard charged with sexual assault at Kitchener Prison for Women
"This past May, following a year-long investigation, 13 charges were laid against a male guard at Nova prison, including multiple charges for sexually assaulting female prisoners over the course of 10 years. We are not surprised because these are only the cases that have come to light. We have lived with the knowledge that we could not escape such abuse if we ourselves were targeted; we have been flattened under the rumours of guards exploiting women for sex in exchange for cigarettes and other contraband, and; we have felt the powerlessness of watching these abuses take place knowing no one would believe us."

April 6, 2020
Covid 19: The real threat to public safety is CSC's failure to release women prisoners
"Every woman released frees up over $200,000 in funds that could be put to better use in community -- for the emergency housing, healthcare support and guaranteed liveable income our country so desperately needs right now."

MAY 14, 2020
Download the templates for the SIS letter writing campaign!
Below you'll see images of all the documents, but please access and download the letter using the link below. Everything is linked, just in case.
Link to Steps Document:
Link to Template MP Letter:!Aus7KEKm0TjgbmtL6rEKDgArj5I?e=cNzscg
Link to Postcard Side 1 image (all the prisons for women across Canada pictured):!Aus7KEKm0TjgaGDgjxiz1OelFFY?e=oliaPD
Postcard Side 2 image:!Aus7KEKm0TjgdWwx0-ZBpkRMsSI?e=gmhlVC
We hope you'll join us in putting pressure on the Government to act!
Please share widely.
In Solidarity,